Real-estate decision support tool for Building stock renovation options


Master project in partnership with industry

Autumn 2023


A company in charge of the real estate management of a batch of buildings in Sion would like to define what are the options for the building stock to be transformed into renewable energy hubs. This means what are the options for building retrofit, PV solar integration, heat pumping and smart operation, including EV charging. The goal is to develop a decision support method that allows an easy screen of the options and to propose to the building owners the most attractive option compatible with the energy transition and the possible financing schemes.


Based on the tools REHO and QBuildings, an integrated framework developed within IPESE offering GIS-based decision support for renewable energy hub optimization, the goal of the project will be to analyse the building stock of the company, prioritize and characterize the most pertinent options for transforming the building energy system into a renewable based energy system and develop the arguments for the building and energy system renovation. The options will need to be presented in an easy way to be presented to the buildings owners and users. The analysis will include the identification of the possible financing schemes for the identified projects, identifying conditions offered by banks, or other stakeholders to realize the proposed renovations.

More precisely, the process would be the following:

  1. using REHO : characterize the building stock;
  2. define the present energy bills and calculate the future energy bills and other impact indicators;
  3. define the metrics to measure the performance of the buildings in the building stock;
  4. define a list of technical options for the renovation the integration of PV panels and the integration of heat pumps;
  5. add the EV chargers options;
  6. characterize the investment required and compare the options;
  7. define priority planning for the building stock renovation;
  8. analyse the possible options and business models available on the market to realize the renovation : bank loans, renting, etc…

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