Simulation of a Societal Energy Transition with Agent-based Optimization

Master project
Fall 2024

Energy models generally assume a centralised decision-maker with a specific objective (costs, emissions, renewable energies). This assumption is a major limitation in the scientific literature since it does not consider the various segments of the population in the decision-making process, each with their own objective of maximising their well-being. The aim of this master’s project is to bridge this gap by designing energy transition strategies within a multi-stakeholder framework. The project is closely integrated with the SFOE’s Swice project, which aims to complement the techno-economic approach to the energy transition with considerations of human well-being. As part of this master’s project, the student will carry out the following tasks:

  • Model various segments of population taking decisions based on different objectives and constraints (economic, LCA impacts, indoor comfort, …)

  • Generate building and district energy system configurations and identify typical trends

  • Extrapolate the results at the national scale and run sensitivity analysis on the share of population adopting certain lifestyles

This master project is an investigation one, meaning that the student will have a large freedom to conduct the agent-based optimization. Pro-activity, curiosity and independence are just as necessary as a good knowledge of Python.

The project will be supervised by Cédric Terrier (PhD student IPESE) and Dr. Eduardo Pina (Postdoc IPESE). If interested, please send your CV, with a short motivation letter, to