Development of a Visualization Platform for Decentralized Energy System Results in Switzerland

Semester project
Master project
Energy Systems


Semester project (10 credits) and/or Master project (30 credits)


Part-time IPESE (Sion) and to be determined


From September 2024 to February 2025


This project aims to create a dynamic, interactive visualization platform for the results of the decentralized energy system study described in the article “Power to the People: On the Role of Districts in Decentralized Energy Systems.” The platform will feature a GIS-based map of Switzerland, allowing users to identify their house, explore different energy options, and understand how local decisions impact the national energy system and vice versa. The national system will be represented through key performance indicators (KPIs) such as cost, primary energy use, technologies, infrastructure installed, and emissions.

Skills and Background

The student should have a strong background in energy systems and GIS technology. Skills in data visualization, web development, and an understanding of energy system models are essential. Experience with interactive tools and platforms, as well as coding (e.g., Python, JavaScript), will be beneficial.


For a Semester project (10 credits):

  • Visualize GIS information and decentralized indicators in an interactive map.
  • Learn from the existing national tool ( to understand interaction and representation of indicators/KPIs.
  • Develop a basic prototype of the visualization platform.

For a Master project (30 credits):

  • Comprehensive visualization of GIS information and decentralized indicators in an interactive map.
  • Integrate insights from the existing national tool ( and enhance the interaction and representation of indicators/KPIs.
  • Develop a full-fledged visualization platform with both district-level and national-level dashboards.
  • Conduct user testing and refine the platform based on feedback.

Work Plan and Milestones

Semester project (10 credits):

  1. Initial Research and Requirement Analysis (2 weeks)
    • Understand project requirements and GIS data sources.
    • Study the existing national tool (
  2. Prototype Development (6 weeks)
    • Develop a basic interactive map displaying decentralized energy indicators.
    • Integrate a few key KPIs from the national system.
  3. Testing and Refinement (2 weeks)
    • Conduct initial testing and gather feedback.
    • Refine the prototype based on feedback.

Master project (30 credits):

  1. Initial Research and Requirement Analysis (4 weeks)
    • Comprehensive study of project requirements and GIS data sources.
    • Detailed analysis of the existing national tool (
  2. Platform Development: Phase 1 (8 weeks)
    • Develop an interactive map displaying decentralized energy indicators.
    • Integrate a comprehensive set of KPIs from the national system.
  3. Platform Development: Phase 2 (8 weeks)
    • Enhance the interactive features of the map and integrate district-level and national-level dashboards.
    • Implement advanced visualization techniques.
  4. User Testing and Feedback (4 weeks)
    • Conduct extensive user testing sessions.
    • Gather and analyze feedback for improvements.
  5. Final Refinement and Documentation (6 weeks)
    • Refine the platform based on user feedback.
    • Prepare comprehensive documentation and user guides.


Jonas Schnidrig.