My research
My research deals with the vision of taking perovskite solar cells from lab scale to production scale. The aim of my PhD is to develop mathematical models to systematically optimise the perovskite solar cells along with an in-house facility for validating the results and improving the efficiency of overall process. In this research, I work on providing a systematic pathway for generating, evaluating and optimising the fabrication process of perovskite solar cells and modules as a whole. This will involve creating process models for individual units, making process design and finally taking into account the integration aspects for optimising the overall fabrication process. Moreover, integration with experimental setup to increase the throughput of screening and optimising the recipes and process parameters for fabricating perovskite solar cells helps in creating a direct link (feedback loop) between the lab-scale and final process design at scale. Overall, a computeraided method for generating and evaluating processes/ routes with different materials with the application of mathematical decision modelling, Machine learning and Artificial intelligence is envisaged in my research. Parallelly, a high-throughput experimentation setup will be designed and developed to integrate into the mathematical model to improve the accuracy and intelligently drive the system towards most optimal solutions based on different metrics that will be evaluated for these solutions. The broader goal is to enable such technologies to be competitive in the market and thus bringing a positive impact towards reliable, sustainable and affordable energy.
- Best paper award at 36th ECOS Conference , June 2023, Spain
- Paper selected for invited talk at 33rd ESCAPE Conference, June, 2023, Greece
Graphical abstract
Critical analysis of decision variables for high-throughput experimentation (HTE) with perovskite solar cells Naveen Bhati, Mohammad Khaja Nazeeruddin, and François Maréchal; Solar Energy, 2023
Mechanistic model for inkjet printing and applications in perovskite solar cells engineering Naveen Bhati, Mohammad Khaja Nazeeruddin, and François Maréchal; Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 2023
Process and material impact on life cycle assessment of perovskite solar cells: Naveen Bhati, Mohammad Khaja Nazeeruddin and François Maréchal, ECOS 2023, Las Palmas De Gran Canaria, Spain