Medellin, Colombia
I am a Mechanical Engineer of the Faculty of Mines of the National University of Colombia, Campus Medellín (valedictorian 2011); and Master (2014) and Doctor (with honors 2018) in Mechanical Engineering with emphasis on Energy and Fluids from the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo, Brazil. I have more than ten years of experience in teaching, research and consulting in universities and in partnership with multinational enterprises willing to improve their energy conversion processes in a sustainable way. I am author of 70+ technical contributions to international journals, books and conferences. Currently working in the area of Synthesis and Optimization of Industrial, Chemical and Power Generation Processes..
Spanish, English, Portuguese, French
Funding entities
My research has been supported by the Aditya Birla Group and Energie Schweiz through Novelis Sierre company in Switzerland; the Swiss Federal Office of Energy - SFOE through the International Energy Agency - IEA Annex 58 and the GIRAIG consortium; the Brazilian Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels - ANP; the Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship for Young Scientists and Artists - ESKAS; the Colombian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation - MINCIENCIAS; the Petrobras Research, Development and Innovation Center - CENPES through the Foundation for the Support to the University of Sao Paulo - FUSP.
ABCM Embraer Award 2019 for Best Research Thesis in Mechanical Engineering in the Category Doctorate (PhD)
Honorable Mention in Outstanding Thesis USP Award 2020
Best technical article of international ECOS 2016 Conference
Best technical article of international ECOS 2024 Conference
Best technical poster of international ESCAPE 2024 Conference
Best technical poster of international EUBCE 2024 Conference
Mechanical Engineering Valedictorian 2011, Faculty of Minas, National University of Colombia
Co-supervision of Lander Cortvriendt MSc thesis honored with the IAR-CIT Master’s thesis prize, EPFL & KU Leuven.
Colombian Association of Electrical and Mechanical Engineers - ACIEM
American Institute of Chemical Engineers - AIChE
Recognized Researcher of the Colombian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation - MINCIENCIAS
Expertise fields
Exergy and Energy Integration of Chemical and Industrial Processes
Cogeneration and Polygeneration, Refrigeration and Heat Pumping Systems
Technical, Economic and Environmental Analyses
Refineries, Biorefineries, Fertilizers Complexes, Hydrogen and Synthetic Fuels (SNG, DME, MeOH, FT, H2, Power-to-X)
Second law of Thermodynamics and Irreversible Thermodynamics
Combustion, Heat Transfer, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Reaction design
Modeling and Optimization of Energy Conversion Systems
Material Science and Manufacture
Programming (Python, Lua, Java, Javascript, MATLAB, LINGO, GAMS, AMPL, HTML, CSS, R)
IPESE research, teaching and mentoring activities
Novelis Aditya Birla Aluminium Production Process Decarbonization NETZERO Lab - OIKEN, Novelis, EPFL, HESSO, Swiss Federal Office of Energy https://www.novelis.com/net-zero-lab-valais/
Development of the Pinch-Small tool for the Swiss Confederation mandated by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy - EPFL General Coordinator
IETS IEA Technology Collaboration Programme Task XXIV “Process integration for industry decarbonization” - EPFL Manager https://iea-industry.org/tasks/process-integration-for-industry-decarbonization/
TRILateral research for optimal Investments in Adequate cross-border infrastructure (TRILATE) - Ughent, ULiège, EPFL, VITO, Veolia, Fluxys, INEOS https://www.ugent.be/ea/emsme/en/research/eelab/ecm/trilate
Annex 58 IEA - High Temperature Heat Pump Project - OST, Vaud-HEIG, CSD Ingénieurs, EPFL, Swiss Federal Office of Energy https://heatpumpingtechnologies.org/annex58/documents/
Decarbonization of Agro-food and Biofuels production assets- Louis Dreyfus Company
‣Energy audit and process integration of Donze Baume plant - Richemont Company
Support, Knowledge and Technology transfer of OSMOSE optimization platform - Buhler Group
Energy integration of ZIBAC Lacq & Bordeaux Industrial Clusters - Terega FR
EU project “Advancing industrial decarbonisation by assessing the future use of renewable energies in industrial processes” https://op.europa.eu/s/y5GF
Support to other EU projects: Metharen, Presshyous, Niagara.
Master of Advanced Studies EPFL-HESSO https://www.formation-continue-unil-epfl.ch/formation/sustainable-energy-systems-engineering-mas/
Co-supervision of BSc, MSc and PhD students: projects in collaboration with Hermes, Morand, ELSA, Buhler, CREMO, Gustav Spiess, Novelis, Oiken, SFOE, IEA, Richemont, Terega, Louis Dreyfus, CIMO.
Teaching Assistant ME-451 Advanced Energetics https://edu.epfl.ch/coursebook/fr/advanced-energetics-ME-451
Web co-development ECOS International Society https://ecosinternationalsociety.org/
Graphical abstract
Publications in peer-reviewed journals
SILVA, J.A.M., FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., OLIVEIRA, S., An exergy based approach to determine production cost and CO2 allocation for petroleum derived fuels, Energy (Oxford), v.67, pp.490–495, 2014.
FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., SILVA, J.A.M., OLIVEIRA, S., Renewable and Non-Renewable Exergy Cost and Specific CO2 Emission of Electricity Generation: The Brazilian Case, Energy Conversion and Management, v.85, pp.619–629, 2014.
FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., SILVA, J.A.M., VELASQUEZ, H., OLIVEIRA JR, S., Renewable and Non-Renewable Exergy Costs and CO2 Emissions of Fuels Production for Brazilian Transportation Sector, Energy (Oxford), v.88, pp.18–36, 2015.
FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., SILVA, J.A.M., OLIVEIRA JR, S. Exergy and Environmental Comparison of End Use of Vehicle Fuels: The Brazilian Case, Energy Conversion and Management, v.100, pp.220–231, 2015.
FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., OLIVEIRA JR, S. On the efficiency, exergy costs and CO2 emission cost allocation for an integrated syngas and ammonia production plant, Energy (Oxford), v.117, Part 2, pp.341-360, 2016.
FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., OLIVEIRA JR, S. Modeling and optimization of an industrial ammonia synthesis unit: An exergy approach, Energy (Oxford), v.137 (15), pp.234-250, 2017.
FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., OLIVEIRA JR, S. Exergy assessment of single and dual pressure industrial ammonia synthesis units, Energy (Oxford), v.141 (15), pp.2540-2558, 2017.
SANTOS, R.G., FARIA, P. R., FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., SANTOS, J.J.C.S., SILVA, J.A.M., Thermoeconomic Modeling for CO2 Allocation in Steam and Gas Turbine Cogeneration Systems, Energy (Oxford), v.117, Part 2, pp.590-603, 2016.
FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D. HENRIQUES, I. B., NGUYEN, T., MENDES DA SILVA, J., MADY, C.E., PELLEGRINI, L.F., GANDOLFI, R., VELÁSQUEZ, H., BURBANO, J.C., LATTOUF, R., DE OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, S., The contributions of Prof. Jan Szargut to the exergy and environmental assessment of complex energy systems, Energy (Oxford), v.161, pp.482-492, 2018.
SILVA ORTIZ, P., FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, S., MARÉCHAL, F., MACIEL FILHO, R., Exergetic, Environmental and Economic Assessment of Sugarcane First-Generation Biorefineries. Journal of Power Technologies v.99 (2) pp.67–81, 2019. ISSN: 2083-4187, E-ISSN: 2083-4195
NAKASHIMA, R., FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D, OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, S., Integrated Anaerobic Digestion and Gasification Processes for Upgrade of Ethanol Biorefinery Residues, Journal of Power Technologies 99 (2) pp.104–114, 2019. ISSN: 2083-4187, E-ISSN: 2083-4195.
FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D, NASCIMENTO SILVA, F., OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, S., Syngas Production with Thermo-Chemically Recuperated Gas Expansion Systems, Energy (Oxford), v.178, pp.293-308. 2019.
FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D, OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, S. Comparative Exergy and Economic Assessment of Fossil and Biomass-Based Routes for Ammonia Production, Energy Conversion and Management, v.194, pp.22-36. 2019.
VELASQUEZ, H.I, OROZCO, J. C., MAYA, J., FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., LOPERA, S. Exergy analysis of the Colombian energy matrix: A view from its economic sectors and energy resources, International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management, v.22, pp.39–60, 2019.
NASCIMENTO SILVA, F., FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D, OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, S. Exergy assessment and energy integration of advanced gas turbine cycles on an offshore petroleum production platform, Energy Conversion and Management, v.197, Article 111846, 2019.
FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D, SHARMA, S. OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, S., MARECHAL, F. Combined exergy analysis, energy integration and optimization of syngas and ammonia production plants: A cogeneration and syngas purification perspective, Journal of Cleaner Production, v.244, Article 118647, 2020.
NASCIMENTO SILVA, F., FREIRE, R., FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, S., Comparative assessment of advanced power generation and carbon sequestration plants on offshore petroleum platforms, Energy (Oxford), v. 203, Article 117737, 2020.
NAKASHIMA, R., FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D, OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, S., Sugarcane bagasse and vinasse conversion to electricity and biofuels: an exergoeconomic and environmental assessment, International Journal of Exergy, v.33, No.1, pp.44-75, 2020.
RIBEIRO DOMINGOS, M. E. G., FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D, TELES DOS SANTOS, M., OLIVEIRA JR, S. Exergy and environmental analysis of black liquor upgrading gasification in an integrated Kraft pulp and ammonia production plant, International Journal of Exergy, v.35, No.1, pp.35-64, 2021.
SILVA ORTIZ, P., FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, S., MACIEL FILHO, R., OSSEWEIJER, P., POSADA, J., Unit exergy cost and specific CO2 emissions of the electricity generation in the Netherlands, Energy (Oxford), v.208, Article 118279. 2020.
FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., ALBUQUERQUE, C., SILVA, J.A.M., FREIRE, R., OLIVEIRA JR., S. Optimal design of power hubs for offshore petroleum platforms. Energy (Oxford). v.235, pp. 121353. 2021
FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., FREIRE, R., SILVA, J.A.M., ALBUQUERQUE, C., OLIVEIRA JR., S., Centralized power generation with carbon capture on decommissioned offshore petroleum platforms. Energy Conversion and Management. v. 252, p. 115110, 2022.
FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., ALBUQUERQUE, C., SILVA, J.A.M., FREIRE, R., OLIVEIRA JR., S. Offshore Utility Systems for FPSOs: A Techno-Environomic Assessment Considering the Uncertainty About the Natural Gas Price. Frontiers in Chemical Engineering 4 (853749). 2022
DOMINGOS, M. E. G., FLOREZ-ORREGO, D., Teles dos Santos, M., Oliveira Junior, S., Maréchal, F. (2022). “Techno-economic and environmental analysis of methanol and dimethyl ether production from syngas in a kraft pulp process.” Computers & Chemical Engineering: April 28, 107810.
SILVA ORTIZ, P., FLOREZ-ORREGO, D., PINTO MARIANO, A., KAFAROV, V., OLIVEIRA JR., MACIEL FILHO, R. Exergy assessment of renewable electricity from sugarcane straw for improved energy integration of sugarcane biorefineries. International Journal of Exergy. V. 38, No. 2, 2022.
TELINI, R., FLOREZ-ORREGO, D., OLIVEIRA JR., S., Techno-economic and environmental assessment of ammonia production from residual bagasse gasification: a decarbonization pathway for nitrogen fertilizers. Frontiers in Energy Research, v.10, Article 881263.
FLOREZ-ORREGO, D., SHARMA, S., NABAVI, S. Editorial of the Research Topic: “Integration and Optimization in the Chemical Process Industry”, Frontiers in Chemical Engineering, 961022, 2022.
PARGAS-CARMONA, L., SILVA, J.A.M., SANTANNA, A., FLOREZ-ORREGO, D., ALBUQUERQUE, C., OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, S., Optimal selection of utility plants in oil and gas offshore platform, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 45:2448, 2023.
DOMINGOS, M. E. G., FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., TELES DOS SANTOS, M., OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, S., MARÉCHAL, F. (2023). ” Multi-time integration approach for combined pulp and ammonia production and seasonal CO2 management ” Computers & Chemical Engineering: v.176, 108305.
VARGAS, G., FLOREZ-ORREGO, D., OLIVEIRA JR, S., Comparative exergy and environmental assessment of the residual biomass gasification routes for hydrogen and ammonia production, Entropy MDPI, 25(7)1098. 2023
ANDAYESH, M., FLOREZ-ORREGO, D., GERMANIER, R., GATTI, M., MARECHAL, F., Improved Waste Heat Management and Energy Integration in an Aluminum Annealing Continuous Furnace Using a Machine Learning Approach, Entropy MDPI, 2023, 25(11), 1486.
DOMINGOS, M. E. G., FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., TELES DOS SANTOS, M., OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, S., MARÉCHAL, F. ” Process modeling and integration of hydrogen and synthetic natural gas production in a kraft pulp mill via black liquor gasification” Renewable Energy: v.219, part 1, 2023, pp. 119396.
FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., DOMINGOS, M. E. G., MARÉCHAL, F. Techno-economic and environmental analysis of high temperature heat pumps integration into industrial processes. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, v. 60, 2023, 103560.
DOMINGOS, M. E. G., FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., MARÉCHAL, F. Decarbonizing the fertilizers sector: an alternative pathway for urea and nitric acid production. International Journal of Energy Resources Technology ASME Transactions, 2024, 146(3): 030907 (13 pages).
CALAME, N., ARPAGAUS, C. FLOREZ-ORREGO, D., MARECHAL, F., KRUMMENACHER, P., BLESS, F., ROGNON, F., BERTSCH, S. Joining Forces to Encourage High-Temperature Heat Pumps in Swiss Industries. Heat Pumping Technologies Magazine. Vol. 42 No. 1/2024, pp. 1-6.
DARDOR, D., FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., TERRIER, C., RIBEIRO DOMINGOS, M., PLATTEAU, C., SILVA, J.C., LOPEZ, M., MARÉCHAL, F., ROSMOSE: A web-based decision support tool for the design and optimization of industrial and urban energy systems. Energy, v. 304, 30 September 2024, 132182.
CORTVRIENDT, L., FLOREZ-ORREGO, D., MARÉCHAL, F., BONGARTZ, D., Data-driven systematic methodology for predicting optimal heat pump integration based on temperature levels and refrigerants. Energy Conversion and Management, Volume 326, 15 February 2025, 119495
Publications in international conferences
OLIVEIRA JR, S., RAMIREZ, W., FLOREZ-ORREGO, D., VELASQUEZ, H., Thermodynamics analysis, performance numerical simulation and losses analysis of a low cost Stirling engine V-Type. 24th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2011, Novi Sad, Serbia, July 4-7, 2011, pp. 3767-3778, ISBN: 978866055-016-5.
FLOREZ-ORREGO, D, LOPEZ, D, RAMIREZ, W, VELASQUEZ, H, Experimental and CFD study of a single phase cone-shaped helical coiled heat exchanger: An empirical correlation. 25th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2012, Perugia, Italy, June 26-29, 2012. Vol. 1, pp. 302-320, ISBN online: 97888-6655-322-9.
FLOREZ-ORREGO, D., SILVA, J.A.M., OLIVEIRA JR., S., Renewable and Non-Renewable Exergy Cost and Specific CO2 Emission of Electricity Generation: The Brazilian Case. 26th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2013, Guilin, China, July 15-19, 2013.
FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., SILVA, J.A.M., VELASQUEZ, H., OLIVEIRA JR., S., Renewable and Non-Renewable Exergy Costs and CO2 Emissions of Fuels Production for Brazilian Transportation Sector. 27th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2014, Turku, Finland, June 15-19, 2014. ISBN online: 978952-123099-8.
FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., SILVA, J.A.M., OLIVEIRA JR., S., An Exergy and Environmental Comparison of End Use of Vehicle Fuels in Brazilian Transportation Sector. 15th Brazilian Congress of Thermal Sciences and Engineering - ENCIT 2014, Belem, PA, Brazil, November 10-13, 2014.
FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., OLIVEIRA JR., S., On the Allocation of the Exergy Costs and CO2 Emission Cost for an Integrated Syngas and Ammonia Production Plant. 28th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2015, Pau, France, June 28th to July 3rd, 2015.
FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., OLIVEIRA JR., S., Exergy Modeling and Optimization of an Ammonia Production Plant. 29th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2016, Portoroz, Slovenia, June 19th- 23rd, 2016.
FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., OLIVEIRA JR., S., Exergy Assessment of Single and Dual Pressure Ammonia Production Plants, 4th International Conference on Contemporary Problems of Thermal Engineering - CPOTE 2016, Gliwice, Poland, September 14-16, 2016.
FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., SHARMA, S., OLIVEIRA JR., S., MARECHAL, F., Combined Exergy Analysis and Energy Integration for Design Optimization of Nitrogen Fertilizer Plants. 30th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2017, San Diego, United States of America, July 2nd – 6th, 2017.
FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., NASCIMENTO SILVA, F., OLIVEIRA JR., S., Syngas Production with Thermo-Chemically Recuperated Gas Turbine Systems: An Exergy Analysis and Energy Integration Study. 31st International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2018, Guimaraes, Portugal, June 17th – 22nd , 2018.
OROZCO LOAIZA, C., MAYA LOPEZ, J., VELASQUEZ, H.I., FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., Exergy analysis of the Colombian energy matrix: A view from its economic sectors and energy resources, 31st International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2018, Guimaraes, Portugal, June 17th – 22nd, 2018.
FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., NGUYEN, T., SILVA, J.A.M., OLIVEIRA JR., S., The contributions of Prof. Jan Szargut to the exergy and environmental assessment of fuels and chemicals production, 31st International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2018, Guimaraes, Portugal, June 17th – 22nd, 2018.
NASCIMENTO SILVA, F., FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., OLIVEIRA JR., S., Exergy Assessment and Energy Integration of an Oxycombustion Gas Turbine Cycle to an Offshore Petroleum Platform, 5th International Conference on Contemporary Problems of Thermal Engineering - CPOTE 2018, Gliwice, Poland, 18th - 21st September, 2018.
FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D, MARÉCHAL, F., OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, S. Comparative Exergy and Economic Assessment of Fossil and Biomass-Based Routes for Ammonia Production, 5th International Conference on Contemporary Problems of Thermal Engineering - CPOTE 2018, Gliwice, Poland, 18th - 21st September, 2018
NAKASHIMA, R., FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D, OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, S. Integrated Anaerobic Digestion and Gasification Processes for Upgrade of Ethanol Biorefinery Residues, 5th International Conference on Contemporary Problems of Thermal Engineering - CPOTE 2018, Gliwice, Poland, 18th - 21st September, 2018.
SILVA ORTIZ, P., FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, S., MARÉCHAL, F., MACIEL FILHO, R., Exergetic, Environmental And Economic Assessment Of Sugarcane First-Generation Biorefineries, 5th International Conference on Contemporary Problems of Thermal Engineering - CPOTE 2018, Gliwice, Poland, 18th - 21st September, 2018.
NASCIMENTO SILVA, F., FREIRE, R., FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., OLIVEIRA JR., S., Comparative assessment of advanced power generation and carbon sequestration cycles for offshore petroleum platforms. 32nd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2019, Wroclaw, Poland, June 23rd – 28th, 2019. ISBN 978-83-61506-51-5.
RIBEIRO DOMINGOS, M. E. G, FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., TELES DOS SANTOS, M., OLIVEIRA JR., S., Exergy and Environmental Analysis of Black Liquor Upgraded Gasification in an Integrated Kraft Pulp and Ammonia Production Plant. 32nd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2019, Wroclaw, Poland, June 23rd – 28th, 2019. ISBN 978-83-61506-51-5.
NAKASHIMA, R., FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., OLIVEIRA JR., S., Exergoeconomic and environmental assessment of production and end use of sugarcane residues derivatives. 32nd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2019, Wroclaw, Poland, June 23rd – 28th, 2019. ISBN 978-83-61506-51-5.
RIBEIRO DOMINGOS, M. E. G., FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., TELES DOS SANTOS, M., OLIVEIRA JR., S., Process integration enhancement via black liquor gasification in the Kraft pulp industry. I Brazilian Congress on Process Systems Engineering – PSE-BR 2019, Rio de Janeiro, May 20 – 22, 2019.
FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D. Process synthesis and optimization of syngas and ammonia production in nitrogen fertilizers complexes: Exergy, energy integration and CO2 emissions assessment. 25th International Brazilian Congress on Mechanical Engineering - COBEM 2019. Uberlandia, Brazil. Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. October 20-25, 2019. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.12718.66889
SILVA ORTIZ, P., FLOREZ-ORREGO, D., OLIVEIRA JR., S., MACIEL FILHO, R., OSSEWEIJER, P., POSADA, J., Unit exergy cost and specific CO2 emissions of the electricity generation in the Netherlands, 14th Conference on sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems, SDEWES 2019, Dubrovnik, Croatia October 1 – 6, 2019.
FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., FREIRE, R., SILVA, J.A.M., ALBUQUERQUE, C., OLIVEIRA JR., S., Centralized power generation with carbon capture on decommissioned offshore petroleum platforms. 33rd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2020, Osaka, Japan, June 29th – July 3rd, 2020.
FREIRE, R., FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D, SILVA, J.A.M., ALBUQUERQUE, C., OLIVEIRA JR., S. Optimizing the power hub in multi-platform offshore oil and gas production. 33th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2020, Osaka, Japan, June 29th – July 3rd, 2020.
OROZCO LOAIZA, C., VELASQUEZ, H.I., CANO, N. A., FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., Exergy analysis of alluvial gold mining process. 33rd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2020, Osaka, Japan, June 29th – July 3rd, 2020.
FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., FREIRE, R., SILVA, J.A.M., ALBUQUERQUE, C., OLIVEIRA JR., Optimal design of power hubs for offshore petroleum platforms using a systematic framework. 6th International Conference on Contemporary Problems of Thermal Engineering - CPOTE 2020, Krakow, Poland, 21st-24th September, 2020.
SILVA ORTIZ, P., FLOREZ ORREGO, D., PINTO MARIANO, A., KAFAROV, V., OLIVEIRA JR., MACIEL FILHO, R. Exergy assessment of renewable electricity from sugarcane straw for improved energy integration of sugarcane biorefineries. 6th International Conference on Contemporary Problems of Thermal Engineering - CPOTE 2020, Krakow, Poland, 21st-24th September, 2020.
FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., LOURENÇO, L. F., LEMES, F., FREIRE, R., SILVA, J.A.M, ALBUQUERQUE NETO, C., ZIMMERMANN SILVA, V., MARTHA DE SOUZA, G., MONARO, R., SALLES, M., OLIVEIRA JR., S., Offshore power generation for FPSOS in different scenarios of carbon taxation. Rio Oil & Gas Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 30th November – 3rd December, 2020.
TELINI, R., FLOREZ-ORREGO, D., OLIVEIRA JR., S., Exergoeconomic analysis of ammonia production from residual bagasse gasification, 18th Brazilian Congress of Thermal Sciences and Engineering – ENCIT 2020, Online, November 16th -20th, 2020. Brazilian Society of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences – ABCM, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul.
FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., VARELA, L., ESCOBAR, J., LÓPEZ, D., Effect of The Variation of Cutting Parameters in Surface Integrity in Turning Processing of an AISI 304 Austenitic Stainless Steel. Technical Contribution to the First International Brazilian Conference on Tribology TRIBOBR 2010, Brazilian Metallurgy Association (ABM), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, November 24th -26th, 2010, pp.434-446 ISSN: 2179-3956.
FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., Análisis Termodinámico y Ambiental de Procesos Industriales. Seminario Internacional de Ingeniería y sus Aplicaciones: Una Perspectiva desde la Industria, la Investigación y la Educación – SIIA 2020, Sao Paulo – Pasto – Medellín, Modalidad Virtual, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Escuela Politécnica de la Universidad de Sao Paulo, Universidad de Medellín, Institución Universitaria Pascual Bravo. October, 26th – 30th de 2020.
FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., Análisis termodinámico, económico y ambiental de procesos industriales. International Webinar of Chemical Engineering of National Technological Institute of Mexico – Eng.Ch.TNM, Aguascalientes, México, Online, National Technological Institute of Mexico, Aguascalientes. Abril, 9th de 2021. Invited Lecturer.
RIBEIRO DOMINGOS, M. E. G., FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., TELES DOS SANTOS, M., OLIVEIRA JR., S., Comparative assessment of black liquor upgraded gasification in integrated kraft pulp, methanol and dimethyl ether production plants. 31st European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering – ESCAPE 2021, Istanbul, Turkey, June 6th to 9th, 2021. ISBN 9780323885065
FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., FREIRE, R., SILVA, J.A.M., ALBUQUERQUE, C., OLIVEIRA JR., S., Offshore utility systems for FPSOs: Techno-economic and environmental assessment of the trade-offs between gas prices, carbon taxations and opportunity costs. 34th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2021, Taormina, Italy, June 28th – July 2nd, 2021
TELINI, R., FLOREZ-ORREGO, D., OLIVEIRA JR., S., Exergy, Economic and CO2 emissions assessment of the ammonia production from residual bagasse gasification for decarbonization purposes, 34th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2021, Taormina, Italy, June 28th – July 2rd, 2021.
FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., Procesos de abatimiento de emisiones de carbono en la industria química y de generación de potencia. Seminario Internacional de Ingeniería y sus Aplicaciones: Una Perspectiva desde la Industria, la Investigación y la Educación – SIIA 2021, Sao Paulo – Pasto – Medellín, Modalidad Virtual, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Escuela Politécnica de la Universidad de Sao Paulo, Universidad de Medellín, Institución Universitaria Pascual Bravo. October, 25th – 29th de 2021.
RIBEIRO DOMINGOS, M. E. G., FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., TELES DOS SANTOS, M., OLIVEIRA JR., S., MARECHAL, F. Incremental financial analysis of black liquor upgraded gasification in integrated kraft pulp and ammonia production plants under uncertainty of feedstock costs and carbon taxes. 32nd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering – ESCAPE 2022, Toulouse, France, June 12th to 15th, 2022.
RIBEIRO DOMINGOS, M. E. G., SHIVOM, S., FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., HEMRLE, J., MARECHAL, F., TELES DOS SANTOS, M., Efficient exploration of Pareto-optimal designs of a carbon capture process using surrogate models. 35th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems - ECOS 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 3rd – 7th, 2022.
FLOREZ-ORREGO, D., PINA, E., RIBEIRO DOMINGOS, M.E.G., SHARMA, S., MARECHAL, F. High temperature heat pumps applications for industrial separation and drying processes. 35th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems - ECOS 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 3rd – 7th, 2022.
VARGAS, G., FLOREZ-ORREGO, D., OLIVEIRA JR, S. Comparative exergy assessment of residual biomass gasification routes for hydrogen and ammonia production. 35th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems - ECOS 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 3rd – 7th, 2022.
ARPAGAUS, C., BLESS, F., BERTSCH, S., KRUMMENACHER, P., FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., PINA, E., MARÉCHAL, F., CALAME-DARBELLAY, N., ROGNON, F. HTHP-CH – Integration of High-Temperature Heat Pumps in Swiss Industrial Processes. 28th Conference of the SFOE research program “Heat pumps and refrigeration” Berner Fachhochschule Burgdorf, June 2022.
FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., RIBEIRO DOMINGOS, M. E. G., MARÉCHAL, F., A systematic framework for the multi-time integration of industrial complexes and urban systems, 7th International Conference on Contemporary Problems of Thermal Engineering - CPOTE 2022, Warsaw, Poland, 20th-23th September, 2022.
RIBEIRO DOMINGOS, M. E. G., FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., SHIVOM, S., TELES, M. MARÉCHAL, F., Integrated production of urea and nitric acid in the pulp industry: techno-economic and environmental analysis of black liquor gasification-based processes, 7th International Conference on Contemporary Problems of Thermal Engineering - CPOTE 2022, Warsaw, Poland, 20th-23th September, 2022.
RIBEIRO DOMINGOS, M. E. G., FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., OLIVEIRA JR, S., MARECHAL, F., TELES, M., MARÉCHAL, F., Integrated production of chemicals and fuels in the pulp industry: techno-economic and environmental analysis of black liquor gasification-based processes, AIChE Annual Meeting, November 13th-18th, 2022, Phoenix, USA
RIBEIRO DOMINGOS, M., FLOREZ-ORREGO, D., MARÉCHAL, F., Comparison of regression techniques for generating surrogate models to predict the thermodynamic behavior of biomass gasification systems. 33rd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering – ESCAPE 2023, June 18th – 21 th, Athens, Greece.
FLOREZ-ORREGO, D., RIBEIRO DOMINGOS, M., MARÉCHAL, F., Heat pumping and renewable energy integration for decarbonizing brewery industry and district heating. 33rd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering – ESCAPE 2023, June 18th – 21 th, Athens, Greece.
Florez-Orrego, D., Dardor, D., Germanier, R., Maréchal, F., A systemic study for enhanced waste heat recovery and renewable energy integration towards decarbonizing the aluminium industry. 36th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems - ECOS 2023, June 25th – 30th, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.
RIBEIRO DOMINGOS, M., FLOREZ-ORREGO, D., TELES DOS SANTOS, M., MARÉCHAL, F., Alternative energy supply approach for industrial complexes and district heating networks based on biomass integrated gasification. 36th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems - ECOS 2023, June 25th – 30th, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.
PINA, E., FLOREZ-ORREGO, D., FRANÇOIS, M., Hybridisation Scenarios of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Batteries and Internal Combustion Engines for Waterborne Transportation. 36th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems - ECOS 2023, June 25th – 30th, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.
DARDOR, D., FLOREZ-ORREGO, D., TERRIER, C., RIBEIRO DOMINGOS, M., MARÉCHAL, F., ROSMOSE: A web-based optimization tool to aid decision-making for the design and operation of industrial and urban energy systems. 36th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems - ECOS 2023, June 25th – 30th, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.
GIRARDAN L., CORREA-LAGUNA, J.D., VALEE, J., SHARMA S., FLOREZ-ORREGO D., RIBEIRO-DOMINGOS, M., CASTRO-AMOEDO, R., ZHAO, Y., GRANACHER, J., JONES, M., MENDEZ-ALVA, F., CLYMANS, W., KANTOR, I., MEINKE-HUBENY, F., MARECHAL, F., AIDRES: A database for the decarbonization of the heavy industry in Europe. 36th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems - ECOS 2023, June 25th – 30th, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.
FLOREZ-ORREGO, D., PINA, E., High temperature heat pumps workshop: Demonstration case studies from IEA Annex 58, Swiss Federal Office of Energy - DETEC Auditorium, March 2023, Ittigen, Switzerland.
Arpagaus, C., Bless, F., Bertsch, S., Krummenacher, P., Flórez-Orrego, D., Pina, E., Maréchal, F., Calame Darbellay, N., Rognond, F., Vesine, S., Achermann, P., Jansen, P., Integration of High-Temperature Heat Pumps in Swiss Industrial Processes (HTHP-CH). 14th IEA Heat Pump Conference, May 15-18 2023, Chicago, Illinois
FLOREZ-ORREGO, D., DARDOR, D., RIBEIRO DOMINGOS, M., GERMANIER, R., MARECHAL F., Renewable energy integration and waste heat recovery for the production of sustainable jet fuel and decarbonization of industrial heating applications, AIChE 2023 Annual Meeting, November 5-10, 2023. Orlando (FL), United States.
Dardor, D., Florez-Orrego, D., Ribeiro Domingos, M., Germanier, R., MARECHAL F., Decarbonizing the production of primary aluminium using renewable resource, AIChE 2023 Annual Meeting, November 5-10, 2023. Orlando (FL), United States.
Ribeiro Domingos, M., Florez-Orrego, D., Dardor, D., Marechal F., Sustainable Methanol Production Using a Multi-Time Energy Integration and CO2 Management Approach As an Energy Carrier for Synthetic Natural Gas Synthesis, AIChE 2023 Annual Meeting, November 5-10, 2023. Orlando (FL), United States
Lander, Florez-Orrego, D., Maréchal, F., Bongartz, D., Data-driven systematic methodology for the prediction of optimal heat pump temperature levels and refrigerants in process integration. 38th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems - ECOS 2024, 30 June - 5 July, 2024, Rhodes, Greece.
Salman, M. Florez-Orrego, D., Maréchal, F., Leonard, G. Superstructure-based approach to assess the heat pumping and renewable energy integration potential in the sugar industry. 38th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems - ECOS 2024, 30 June - 5 July, 2024, Rhodes, Greece
Ribeiro Domingos, M., Florez-Orrego, D., Sfeir, S., Maréchal, F., Integration of biodigestion, gasification, renewable energy, reversible solid oxide cell and CO2 management strategies for sustainable natural gas production. 38th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems - ECOS 2024, 30 June - 5 July, 2024, Rhodes, Greece
Dardor, D., Florez-Orrego, D., Aimone, L., Germanier, R., Margni, M., Maréchal F., Modelling The Effect of Future Uncertainty in Energy Prices on Decarbonization Pathways for Secondary Aluminium Production. 38th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems - ECOS 2024, 30 June - 5 July, 2024, Rhodes, Greece
Amaral, R., Henriques, I., Florez-Orrego, D., Exergo-environmental analysis of the freeze-drying process of cooked beef, 38th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems - ECOS 2024, 30 June - 5 July, 2024, Rhodes, Greece
Florez-Orrego, D., Aimone, L., Dardor, D., Germanier, R., Maréchal F., Comparative analysis of biomass utilization routes in industrial and district heating systems: integration of an aluminium industry and an urban agglomeration 38th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems - ECOS 2024, 30 June - 5 July, 2024, Rhodes, Greece
Corre, S., Ribeiro Domingos, M., Florez-Orrego, D., Amoedo, R., Dimitrova, Z., Maréchal, F., On exergetic efficiency and reference environment of the analysis of cement production with and without CO2 carbonatation, 38th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems - ECOS 2024, 30 June - 5 July, 2024, Rhodes, Greece
Silva, P., Florez-Orrego, D., Rongaard Clausen, L., Maréchal, F., Jocher, A., A thermochemical conversion process with high electricity input for biojet production: Environmental and technical assessments. 38th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems - ECOS 2024, 30 June - 5 July, 2024, Rhodes, Greece
Ravi, S., Venkatachalam, S., Sharma, S., Florez-Orrego, D., Maréchal, F., Selection of Optimal Working Fluid in Organic Rankine Cycles for Waste Heat Recovery: A Database (SWORD). 38th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems - ECOS 2024, 30 June - 5 July, 2024, Rhodes, Greece
Aimone, L, Florez-Orrego, D., Dardor, D., Germanier R., Maréchal, F. Sustainable Biofuels Via Biomass Gasification Towards Fossil-Free Aluminium Production. 32nd European Biomass Conference & Exhibition - EUBCE 2024, June 24th - 27th, 2024, Marseille, France
Florez-Orrego D., Dardor D., Ribeiro Domingos M., Germanier R., Maréchal F. Renewable energy integration and waste heat valorization in aluminum remelting mills for the co-production of kerosene and methanol. 34rd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering – ESCAPE 34 and International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering – PSE 24, June 2 to June 6, 2024. Florence, Italy.
Salman Muhammad, Florez-Orrego Daniel, Correa-Laguna Juan, Maréchal François, Léonard Grégoire, Systematic Analysis of Energy Transition Pathways for Emission Reduction in the Flat Glass Industry Using MILP Formulation, 34rd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering – ESCAPE 34 and International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering – PSE 24, June 2 to June 6, 2024. Florence, Italy
Dardor, D., Florez-Orrego, D., Ribeiro Domingos, M., Germanier, R., Margni, M., Maréchal, F., CO2 Capture and Management Strategies for Decarbonizing Secondary Aluminium Production, 34rd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering – ESCAPE 34 and International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering – PSE 24, June 2 to June 6, 2024. Florence, Italy
Ribeiro Domingos Meire, Florez-Orrego Daniel, Dardor Dareen, Maréchal François, Enhanced Sustainable Natural Gas Production Using Biomass Biodigestion and Gasification Integrated with Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell, 34rd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering – ESCAPE 34 and International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering – PSE 24, June 2 to June 6, 2024. Florence, Italy
Ravi Sai Sudharshan, Orrego Daniel Alexander Florez, Sharma Shivom, Maréchal François, A Comparative Study of Orc Working Fluids Performance in Ultra Low-Grade Waste Heat Recovery from Data Centres, 34rd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering – ESCAPE 34 and International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering – PSE 24, June 2 to June 6, 2024. Florence, Italy
Florez-Orrego, D., Dardor D., Ribeiro-Domingos, M., Cortvriendt, L., Platteau C., Maréchal, F., A web-based decision support tool for the design and integration of industrial high-temperature heat pumps. 30th Symposium of the research program on heat pumps and refrigeration technologies of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy BFE-WP Tagung, Bern, Switzerland, June 26, 2024.
Poulet, L., Florez-Orrego, D., Dussap, C-G., Maréchal, F., Serenity: a framework to efficiently design greenhouse modules for space. 45th Committee on Space Research, COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 13th – 21st July 2024, Busan, Korea.
Florez-Orrego, D., Dardor D., Ribeiro-Domingos, M., Germanier, R., Marechal, F., Integration of renewable energy and reversible solid oxide cells towards decarbonizing the secondary aluminium production and urban systems. 2024 AIChE Annual Meeting - American Institute of Chemical Engineering, October 27th – 31st, 2024, San Diego, CA, USA.
Ribeiro-Domingos, M., Florez-Orrego, D., Maréchal, F., Systematic analysis on the energy transition pathways for sustainable natural gas production. 2024 AIChE Annual Meeting - American Institute of Chemical Engineering, October 27th – 31st, 2024, San Diego, CA, USA.
Florez-Orrego, D., Web-based integration tool: Design and demonstration case studies, in: Webinar on the Integration of High-Temperature Heat Pumps in Swiss Industrial Processes (HTHP-CH), Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE), November 7th 2024.
Book Edition
Flórez-Orrego, D.A., Narváez-Romo, B., Ramírez-Gil, F.J., Arrieta-González, C.E, Posada-Pérez, V.M, Henao-Aguirre, S.C, Isaza-López, J. A. (Editors). La Ingeniería y sus Aplicaciones: Una Perspectiva desde la Industria, la Investigación y la Educación Edición 2020 Publisher: Editorial Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellin. 10.13140/RG.2.2.10288.43523, ISSN 2805-9530. Medellin, pp 325
Flórez-Orrego, D., Narváez-Romo, B., Ramírez-Gil, F., Posada-Perez, V., Mosquera-Gomez, A., Varela-Jimenez, L., Perez-Madrid, C. (Editors) La Ingeniería y sus Aplicaciones: Una Perspectiva desde la Industria, la Investigación y la Educación versión 2021 Publisher: Editorial Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2021. Editors. 10.13140/RG.2.2.13643.87842, ISSN 2805-9530. Medellin, pp 267
Florez-Orrego, D., Ribeiro Domingos, M., Nogueira Nakashima, R., (Editors) Thermodynamic Optimization of Industrial Energy Systems. Publisher Entropy MDPI, DOI: 10.3390/books978-3-7258-2847-0, ISBN 978-3-7258-2848-7. Basel, Pp 278
Book Chapters
Ribeiro Domingos M.E.G, Flórez-Orrego, D., Teles Dos Santos, M., Oliveira Jr., S. Comparative assessment of black liquor upgraded gasification in integrated kraft pulp, methanol and dimethyl ether production plants. Proceedings of 31st European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering. ISBN: 9780323885065. Ed: Elsevier, p.25 - 30, 2021.
Ribeiro Domingos M.E.G, Flórez-Orrego, D., Nakashima, R., Teles Dos Santos, M., Park, S., Oliveira Jr., S., Chapter 23. Syngas from black liquor, Vol. 1, Section II: Syngas Production Sources, ISBN 9780323918718. 1st Edition - October 1, 2022. In Advances in Synthesis Gas Book Series: Methods, Technologies and Applications, Elsevier, Editors: Mohammad Rahimpour, Mohammad Makarem, Maryam Meshksar, 588pp. DOI: 10.1016/C2021-0-00292-3
Flórez-Orrego, D., Ribeiro Domingos M.E.G, Nakashima, R., Teles Dos Santos, M., Oliveira Jr., S., Chapter 2. Syngas purification by common solvents, Vol. 2, Section I: Absorption techniques for Syngas Purification, ISBN 9780323918770. 1st Edition - November 1, 2022. In Advances in Synthesis Gas Book Series: Methods, Technologies and Applications, Elsevier, Editors: Mohammad Rahimpour, Mohammad Makarem, Maryam Meshksar, 588pp. 10.1016/C2021-0-00379-5
Flórez-Orrego, D., Ribeiro Domingos M.E.G, Nakashima, R., Teles Dos Santos, M., Oliveira Jr., S., Chapter 3. Ammonia production from syngas, Vol. 3, Section I: Chemicals Production from Syngas, ISBN 9780323918787. 1st Edition - October 1, 2022. In Advances in Synthesis Gas Book Series: Methods, Technologies and Applications, Elsevier, Editors: Mohammad Rahimpour, Mohammad Makarem, Maryam Meshksar, 588pp. DOI: 10.1016/C2021-0-00380-1
Nakashima, R., Flórez-Orrego, D., Ribeiro Domingos M.E.G, Teles Dos Santos, M., Oliveira Jr., S., Chapter 16: Numerical modelling, simulation and optimization of methane production process from syngas Vol. 4, Section III: Modelling and Simulation of Processes using Syngas, ISBN 9780323918794. 1st Edition - November 1, 2022. In Advances in Synthesis Gas Book Series: Methods, Technologies and Applications, Elsevier, Editors: Mohammad Rahimpour, Mohammad Makarem, Maryam Meshksar, 588pp. DOI: 10.1016/C2021-0-00381-3
Ribeiro Domingos M.E.G, Flórez-Orrego, D., Teles Dos Santos, M., Oliveira Jr., S., Marechal, Francois. Incremental financial analysis of black liquor upgraded gasification in integrated kraft pulp and ammonia production plants under uncertainty of feedstock costs and carbon taxes. Computer Aided Process Engineering. ISBN: 9780323885065. Ed: Elsevier, p.1315 - 1320, 2022.
Ribeiro Domingos, M., Florez-Orrego, D., Maréchal, F., Comparison of regression techniques for generating surrogate models to predict the thermodynamic behavior of biomass gasification systems. Computer Aided Process Engineering, 1st Edition, v.52, 2023, Elsevier, Eds: Antonios C. Kokossis, Michael C. Georgiadis, Stratos Pistikopoulos, ISBN: 9780443152740.
Florez-Orrego, D., Ribeiro Domingos, M., Maréchal, F., Heat pumping and renewable energy integration for decarbonizing brewery industry and district heating. Computer Aided Process Engineering, 1st Edition, v.52, 2023, Elsevier, Eds: Antonios C. Kokossis, Michael C. Georgiadis, Stratos Pistikopoulos, ISBN: 9780443152740.
Florez Orrego, D., Chapter 2: Exergia, in Book: Energía y crecimiento económico en Colombia: Una mirada desde el concepto termodinámico de la exergía. Authors: Velasquez, H., Orozco, C., Maya, J., Florez-Orrego, D., Chejne, F., Ceballos, C., Macias, R. Editor: Hector I. Velásquez A. Publisher: Editorial Universidad Nacional de Colombia – Energética 2030, 1st Ed. ISBN: 978-958-505-286-4. 2023
Florez-Orrego, D., Ribeiro-Domingos, M., Girardin, L., Marechal, F., Correa Laguna, J., Mendez-Alva, F., Valee J, Chapter 8: Fertilisers in AIDRES, “Advancing industrial decarbonization by assessing the future use of renewable energies in industrial processes” – Assessment and geo-mapping of renewable energy demand for technological paths towards carbon neutrality of EU energy-intensive industries – Methodology and results in support to the EU industrial plants database, European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy, Girardin, L., Valee, J., Correa Laguna, J. (Eds.), Publications Office of the European Union, 2023, DOI: 10.2833/696697
White papers
Daniel Flórez-Orrego, Mohammad Andayesh, Nour Boulos, Dareen Dardor, Reginald Germanier, François Maréchal, Manuele Margni, Jessen Page, Pierre-Jean Duc, Lorenzo Aimone (2024) Enhanced waste heat recovery approach for the reduction of fuel consumption in the aluminum industry. Net Zero Lab (EPFL, HESSO, Oiken, Novelis). Suisse Énergie, Final Report April 2024. Swiss Federal Office of Energy.
Daniel Flórez-Orrego, Dareen Dardor, Lorenzo Aimone, Reginald Germanier, François Maréchal, Grégory Houillon, Pierre-Jean Duc, Jessen Page, Manuele Margni (2024) Sustainable natural gas (SNG) and aluminium production via biomass gasification and enhanced waste heat recovery in Novelis plant in Sierre City. Net Zero Lab (EPFL, HESSO, Oiken, Novelis). Suisse Énergie, Final Report April 2024. Swiss Federal Office of Energy
Daniel Florez-Orrego, Dareen Dardor, Meire Ribeiro Domingos, Ana Catarina Braz, Soline Corre, François Maréchal, Jean-Marie Fuerbringer, Samuel Meyer, Antoine Astour, Jakob Gahn, Tsingos Vassilis, Joseph Loustau, Cyrille Platteau, Joao da Silva (2024) Continuous training program: process engineering for decarbonization of the Swiss industry. IPESE group - EPFL. Suisse Énergie, Final Report April 2024. Swiss Federal Office of Energy.
Other publications
FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., ALLAYARZADEH, A., “Optimization: Concepts and Applied Examples” [in portuguese] (Otimização: Conceitos e Exemplos de Aplicação). Free e-Book. 2015.
FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., “Matlab: Numerical Methods and Applications to Engineering” [in spanish] (Matlab, Métodos Numéricos y Aplicaciones para Ingeniería). Free e-Book. 2015.
FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., SILVA ORTIZ, P., “Exergy: Concepts and Applications” [in portuguese] (Exergy: Conceitos e Aplicações). Free e-Book. 2013.
FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., “Exergy: Concepts and Applications” [in spanish] (Exergía: Conceptos y Aplicaciones). Free e-Book. 2018.
Associate editor in international journals:
Frontiers in Chemical Engineering Journal – Section: Computational Methods in Chemical Engineering (2023-Present). Associate Editor.
Frontiers in Chemical Engineering Journal - Computational Methods in Chemical Engineering – Research topic: Integration and Optimization in the Chemical Process Industry, FRONTIERSIN.ORG (2020 – 2022). Guest Associate Editor.
Entropy Journal, Section ‘Thermodynamics’, Special Issue “Thermodynamic Optimization of Industrial Energy Systems”. MDPI. (2023-2024) Guest Associate Editor.
Peer-reviewer - Indexed international journals:
Energy Conversion and Management Journal - ELSEVIER (2015 – Present).
International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems Engineering - ELSEVIER (2015 – 2016).
Energy (Oxford) Journal – ELSEVIER (2016 – Present).
Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín (2016 – 2017).
Journal of Cleaner Production - ELSEVIER (2017 – Present).
Applied Energy – ELSEVIER (2017 – Present).
Journal of Resources, Conservation and Recycling –ELSEVIER (2019-Present).
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy – ELSEVIER (2017 – Present).
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer – ELSEVIER (2017- Present).
Journal of CO2 Utilization – ELSEVIER (2019 – Present).
International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management (ISSN: 2246-2929) - Aalborg University (2019 – Present).
Journal of Industrial Ecology – Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies (2020-present).
Fuel – ELSEVIER (2020-present).
Applied Thermal Engineering – ELSEVIER (2019-Present).
Entropy – MDPI (2020-Present)
Resources Policy – ELSEVIER (2020-Present).
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments – ELSEVIER (2020-Present).
International Journal of Industrial Chemistry – SPRINGER (2020-Present).
Energy and Fuels – ACS Journals (2020-Present).
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Engineering – ELSEVIER (2020 – Present).
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments – SPRINGER (2020 – Present).
Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering – ACS Journals (2020-Present).
IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems – IEEE (2020-Present).
International Journal of Energy Research - WILEY (2020-present).
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research – ACS Journals (2020-Present).
Environmental Technology and Innovation Journal – ELSEVIER (2020-Present).
Clean Engineering and Technology – ELSEVIER (2020 – Present).
Journal of Problem Based Learning in Higher Education - Aalborg University (2021 – Present).
Ingeniería e Investigación - Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Bogotá (2021- Present).
Carbon Resources Conversion - ELSEVIER (2022-Present)
International Journal on Ecological Modelling and Systems Ecology - ELSEVIER (2022-Present)
Energy Nexus - ELSEVIER (2022-Present)
Supervision of thesis and dissertations:
Co-supervision of MSc dissertation. “Process Analysis of an Industrial Plant: Energy Audit, Electrification and Integration of Renewable Energy Sources”. École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland; Technical University of Munich, Germany; Distillerie Louis Morand & Cie SA, Switzerland. Candidate: Jakob Stefano Gahn, Supervisors: Daniel Florez-Orrego, Amedeo Ceruti, François Marechal. March de 2023.
Co-supervision of MSc dissertation. A Combined Heat Integration and Genetic Algorithm Approach for the Optimization of a Kilning and Brewing Process. École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland; Buhler Switzerland, Candidate: Antoine Astour, Supervisors: Daniel Florez-Orrego, François Maréchal. July 2023.
Co-supervision of MSc dissertation. Heat transfer modeling and waste heat management in the furnaces of secondary aluminium production. École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland; Novelis Switzerland; Politécnico de Milano, Italy, Candidate: Mohammed Andayesh, Supervisors: Daniel Florez-Orrego, Manuele Gatti. August 2024.
Co-supervision of semester project. Waste heat recovery potential from enhanced cooling of hot aluminium coils. École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland; Novelis Switzerland, Candidate: Nour Boulos. January 2024.
Co-supervision of MSc dissertation. Biomass gasification process as an alternative pathway to decarbonize the aluminium production industry. École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland; Novelis Switzerland, Candidate: Lorenzo Aimone. July 2023.
Co-supervision of semester project. Study of the potential reduction of the carbon footprint or Hermes leather production, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Suiza; Hermes Luxury goods company, Candidate: Tsingos Vassilis, July 2023.
Co-supervision of MSc dissertation. Data-Driven Systematic Methodology for the Prediction of Optimal Heat Pump Temperature Levels and Refrigerants in Process Integration, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland and UK Leuven, Belgium; Candidate: Lander Cortvriendt. August 2024.
Co-supervision of MSc dissertation. Donzé-Baume (Richemont) site energy efficiency and process integration, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland; Richemont Switzerland, Candidate: Arthur Ardelea. January 2024.
Co-supervision of master project. Waste heat recovery potential from enhanced cooling of hot aluminium coils. École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland; Novelis Switzerland, Candidate: Nour Boulos. July 2024.
Co-supervision of semester project. Energy integration of an aluminium casting house for reduced fuel consumption and combined heat and power production. École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland; Novelis Switzerland, Candidate: Eren Ozdemir. July 2024.
Co-supervision of PhD thesis: LDC company decarbonization strategies. École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland; Loius Dreyfus Switzerland, Candidate: Vibhu Baibhav. March 2024 - present.
Biking, Swimming and Hiking. Literature and Science communication. Music (as much as possible) and Theater.