I am a Chemical Engineer from the University of Brasília (2017), and Doctor in Chemical Engineering from the Polytechnic School of University of São Paulo (2022). Since Jan 2023, I am a Postdoctoral Researcher in the IPESE group, leaded by Prof François Maréchal at EPFL. I have experience in the area of Synthesis, Optimization and Integration of Industrial, Chemical and Power Generation Processes.
Fields of expertise
- Biorefineries, Fertilizers Complexes, Hydrogen and Synthetic Fuels (SNG, DME, MeOH, FT, H2, Power-to-X)
- Technical, Economic and Environmental Analyses
- Modeling and Optimization of Energy Conversion Systems
- Exergy and Energy Integration of Chemical and Industrial Processes
IPESE activities
- Metharen Project: Innovative bioMETHAne system integration boosting production while managing Renewable energies intermittENcy (https://metharen.eu/)
- PressHyous Project: PRESSurized HYdrogen prOdUced by high temperature Steam electrolysis
- NIAGARA Project: Next advanced bIofuels from AlGae biomAss and oRganic biogenic wAstes for electricity generation through fuel cells application
- Continuing Education Program for the “Swiss Industry Decarbonization Ambassadors” - EPFL, Swiss Enterprises and Swiss Federal Office of Energy. Linked to Master of Advanced Studies EPFL-HESSO and IETS IEA Technology Collaboration Programme “Process integration for industry decarbonization”.
- European Commission Project Fertilizers AIDRES (Advancing industrial decarbonisation by assessing the future use of renewable energies in industrial processes) - VITO, EPFL https://op.europa.eu/s/y5GF
- Teaching assistant CHE-459 Process Development
- Co-supervision of MSc and BSc students.
- Honorable Mention in Outstanding Thesis USP Award - 12nd edition
- Obtaining one of the 17 places among 336 applicants from all over Latin America to participate in the 25th Summer Scholarship Program held by the National Center for Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM) in Campinas (2016).
Publications in peer-reviewed journals
Antero, R.V.P., Domingos, M.E.G.R., Suzuki, L.L., Oliveira, S.B.D., Ojala, S.A., Mendonça, A.R.V. and Brum, S.S., 2019. Obtaining hydrochar via hydrothermal carbonization of Magonia pubescens A. St. Hil. Sapindaceae fruit bark: Characterization and evaluation of its adsorptive properties. Matéria (Rio de Janeiro), 24.
DOMINGOS, M. E. G. R., FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D, TELES DOS SANTOS, M., OLIVEIRA JR, S. Exergy and environmental analysis of black liquor upgrading gasification in an integrated Kraft pulp and ammonia production plant, International Journal of Exergy, v.35, No.1, pp.35-64, 2021.
DOMINGOS, M. E. G., FLOREZ-ORREGO, D., TELES DOS SANTOS, M., OLIVEIRA JR, S., MARECHAL, F. (2022). “Techno-economic and environmental analysis of methanol and dimethyl ether production from syngas in a kraft pulp process.” Computers & Chemical Engineering: April 28, 107810.
DOMINGOS, M. E. G., FLOREZ-ORREGO, D., TELES DOS SANTOS, M., OLIVEIRA JR, S., MARECHAL, F. (2023). Multi-time integration approach for combined pulp and ammonia production and seasonal CO2 management Computers & Chemical Engineering: v.176, 108305.
FLOREZ-ORREGO, D., DOMINGOS, M. E. G., MARECHAL, F., 2023. Techno-economic and environmental analysis of high temperature heat pumps integration into industrial processes: the ammonia plant and pulp mill cases. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 60, p.103560.
DOMINGOS, M. E. G., FLOREZ-ORREGO, D., TELES DOS SANTOS, M., OLIVEIRA JR, S., MARECHAL, F. , 2023. Process modeling and integration of hydrogen and synthetic natural gas production in a kraft pulp mill via black liquor gasification. Renewable Energy, 219, p.119396.
DOMINGOS, M. E. G., FLOREZ-ORREGO, D., TELES DOS SANTOS, M., OLIVEIRA JR, S., MARECHAL, F., 2024. Decarbonizing the fertilizers sector: an alternative pathway for urea and nitric acid production. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 146(3).
DARDOR, D., FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., TERRIER, C., RIBEIRO DOMINGOS, M., PLATTEAU, C., SILVA, J.C., LOPEZ, M., MARÉCHAL, F., ROSMOSE: A web-based decision support tool for the design and optimization of industrial and urban energy systems. Energy, v. 304, 30 September 2024, 132182.
Book Chapters
Ribeiro Domingos M.E.G, Flórez-Orrego, D., Teles Dos Santos, M., Oliveira Jr., S. Comparative assessment of black liquor upgraded gasification in integrated kraft pulp, methanol and dimethyl ether production plants. Proceedings of 31st European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering. ISBN: 9780323885065. Ed: Elsevier, p.25 - 30, 2021.
Ribeiro Domingos M.E.G, Flórez-Orrego, D., Nakashima, R., Teles Dos Santos, M., Park, S., Oliveira Jr., S., Chapter 23. Syngas from black liquor, Vol. 1, Section II: Syngas Production Sources, ISBN 9780323918718. 1st Edition - October 1, 2022. In Advances in Synthesis Gas Book Series: Methods, Technologies and Applications, Elsevier, Editors: Mohammad Rahimpour, Mohammad Makarem, Maryam Meshksar, 588pp. DOI: 10.1016/C2021-0-00292-3
Flórez-Orrego, D., Ribeiro Domingos M.E.G, Nakashima, R., Teles Dos Santos, M., Oliveira Jr., S., Chapter 2. Syngas purification by common solvents, Vol. 2, Section I: Absorption techniques for Syngas Purification, ISBN 9780323918770. 1st Edition - November 1, 2022. In Advances in Synthesis Gas Book Series: Methods, Technologies and Applications, Elsevier, Editors: Mohammad Rahimpour, Mohammad Makarem, Maryam Meshksar, 588pp. 10.1016/C2021-0-00379-5
Flórez-Orrego, D., Ribeiro Domingos M.E.G, Nakashima, R., Teles Dos Santos, M., Oliveira Jr., S., Chapter 3. Ammonia production from syngas, Vol. 3, Section I: Chemicals Production from Syngas, ISBN 9780323918787. 1st Edition - October 1, 2022. In Advances in Synthesis Gas Book Series: Methods, Technologies and Applications, Elsevier, Editors: Mohammad Rahimpour, Mohammad Makarem, Maryam Meshksar, 588pp. DOI: 10.1016/C2021-0-00380-1
Nakashima, R., Flórez-Orrego, D., Ribeiro Domingos M.E.G, Teles Dos Santos, M., Oliveira Jr., S., Chapter 16: Numerical modelling, simulation and optimization of methane production process from syngas Vol. 4, Section III: Modelling and Simulation of Processes using Syngas, ISBN 9780323918794. 1st Edition - November 1, 2022. In Advances in Synthesis Gas Book Series: Methods, Technologies and Applications, Elsevier, Editors: Mohammad Rahimpour, Mohammad Makarem, Maryam Meshksar, 588pp. DOI: 10.1016/C2021-0-00381-3
Ribeiro Domingos M.E.G, Flórez-Orrego, D., Teles Dos Santos, M., Oliveira Jr., S., Marechal, Francois. Incremental financial analysis of black liquor upgraded gasification in integrated kraft pulp and ammonia production plants under uncertainty of feedstock costs and carbon taxes. Computer Aided Process Engineering. ISBN: 9780323885065. Ed: Elsevier, p.1315 - 1320, 2022.
Ribeiro Domingos, M., Florez-Orrego, D., Maréchal, F., Comparison of regression techniques for generating surrogate models to predict the thermodynamic behavior of biomass gasification systems. Computer Aided Process Engineering, 1st Edition, v.52, 2023, Elsevier, Eds: Antonios C. Kokossis, Michael C. Georgiadis, Stratos Pistikopoulos, ISBN: 9780443152740.
Florez-Orrego, D., Ribeiro Domingos, M., Maréchal, F., Heat pumping and renewable energy integration for decarbonizing brewery industry and district heating. Computer Aided Process Engineering, 1st Edition, v.52, 2023, Elsevier, Eds: Antonios C. Kokossis, Michael C. Georgiadis, Stratos Pistikopoulos, ISBN: 9780443152740.
Florez-Orrego, D., Ribeiro-Domingos, M., Girardin, L., Marechal, F., Correa Laguna, J., Mendez-Alva, F., Valee J, Chapter 8: Fertilisers in AIDRES, “Advancing industrial decarbonization by assessing the future use of renewable energies in industrial processes” – Assessment and geo-mapping of renewable energy demand for technological paths towards carbon neutrality of EU energy-intensive industries – Methodology and results in support to the EU industrial plants database, European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy, Girardin, L., Valee, J., Correa Laguna, J. (Eds.), Publications Office of the European Union, 2023, DOI: 10.2833/696697
Publications in international conferences
RIBEIRO DOMINGOS, M. E. G, FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., TELES DOS SANTOS, M., OLIVEIRA JR., S., Exergy and Environmental Analysis of Black Liquor Upgraded Gasification in an Integrated Kraft Pulp and Ammonia Production Plant. 32nd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2019, Wroclaw, Poland, June 23rd – 28th, 2019. ISBN 978-83-61506-51-5.
RIBEIRO DOMINGOS, M. E. G., FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., TELES DOS SANTOS, M., OLIVEIRA JR., S., Process integration enhancement via black liquor gasification in the Kraft pulp industry. I Brazilian Congress on Process Systems Engineering – PSE-BR 2019, Rio de Janeiro, May 20 – 22, 2019.
RIBEIRO DOMINGOS, M. E. G., FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., TELES DOS SANTOS, M., OLIVEIRA JR., S., Comparative assessment of black liquor upgraded gasification in integrated kraft pulp, methanol and dimethyl ether production plants. 31st European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering – ESCAPE 2021, Istanbul, Turkey, June 6th to 9th, 2021. ISBN 9780323885065
RIBEIRO DOMINGOS, M. E. G., FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., TELES DOS SANTOS, M., OLIVEIRA JR., S., MARECHAL, F. Incremental financial analysis of black liquor upgraded gasification in integrated kraft pulp and ammonia production plants under uncertainty of feedstock costs and carbon taxes. 32nd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering – ESCAPE 2022, Toulouse, France, June 12th to 15th, 2022.
RIBEIRO DOMINGOS, M. E. G., SHIVOM, S., FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., HEMRLE, J., MARECHAL, F., TELES DOS SANTOS, M., Efficient exploration of Pareto-optimal designs of a carbon capture process using surrogate models. 35th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems - ECOS 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 3rd – 7th, 2022.
FLOREZ-ORREGO, D., PINA, E., RIBEIRO DOMINGOS, M.E.G., SHARMA, S., MARECHAL, F. High temperature heat pumps applications for industrial separation and drying processes. 35th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems - ECOS 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 3rd – 7th, 2022.
FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., RIBEIRO DOMINGOS, M. E. G., MARÉCHAL, F., A systematic framework for the multi-time integration of industrial complexes and urban systems, 7th International Conference on Contemporary Problems of Thermal Engineering - CPOTE 2022, Warsaw, Poland, 20th-23th September, 2022.
RIBEIRO DOMINGOS, M. E. G., FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., SHIVOM, S., TELES, M. MARÉCHAL, F., Integrated production of urea and nitric acid in the pulp industry: techno-economic and environmental analysis of black liquor gasification-based processes, 7th International Conference on Contemporary Problems of Thermal Engineering - CPOTE 2022, Warsaw, Poland, 20th-23th September, 2022.
RIBEIRO DOMINGOS, M. E. G., FLÓREZ-ORREGO, D., OLIVEIRA JR, S., MARECHAL, F., TELES, M., MARÉCHAL, F., Integrated production of chemicals and fuels in the pulp industry: techno-economic and environmental analysis of black liquor gasification-based processes, AIChE Annual Meeting, November 13th-18th, 2022, Phoenix, USA
RIBEIRO DOMINGOS, M., FLOREZ-ORREGO, D., MARÉCHAL, F., Comparison of regression techniques for generating surrogate models to predict the thermodynamic behavior of biomass gasification systems. 33rd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering – ESCAPE 2023, June 18th – 21 th, Athens, Greece.
FLOREZ-ORREGO, D., RIBEIRO DOMINGOS, M., MARÉCHAL, F., Heat pumping and renewable energy integration for decarbonizing brewery industry and district heating. 33rd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering – ESCAPE 2023, June 18th – 21 th, Athens, Greece.
RIBEIRO DOMINGOS, M., FLOREZ-ORREGO, D., TELES DOS SANTOS, M., MARÉCHAL, F., Alternative energy supply approach for industrial complexes and district heating networks based on biomass integrated gasification. 36th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems - ECOS 2023, June 25th – 30th, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.
DARDOR, D., FLOREZ-ORREGO, D., TERRIER, C., RIBEIRO DOMINGOS, M., MARÉCHAL, F., ROSMOSE: A web-based optimization tool to aid decision-making for the design and operation of industrial and urban energy systems. 36th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems - ECOS 2023, June 25th – 30th, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.
GIRARDAN L., CORREA-LAGUNA, J.D., VALEE, J., SHARMA S., FLOREZ-ORREGO D., RIBEIRO-DOMINGOS, M., CASTRO-AMOEDO, R., ZHAO, Y., GRANACHER, J., JONES, M., MENDEZ-ALVA, F., CLYMANS, W., KANTOR, I., MEINKE-HUBENY, F., MARECHAL, F., AIDRES: A database for the decarbonization of the heavy industry in Europe. 36th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems - ECOS 2023, June 25th – 30th, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.
FLOREZ-ORREGO, D., DARDOR, D., RIBEIRO DOMINGOS, M., GERMANIER, R., MARECHAL F., Renewable energy integration and waste heat recovery for the production of sustainable jet fuel and decarbonization of industrial heating applications, AIChE 2023 Annual Meeting, November 5-10, 2023. Orlando (FL), United States.
Dardor, D., Florez-Orrego, D., Ribeiro Domingos, M., Germanier, R., MARECHAL F., Decarbonizing the production of primary aluminium using renewable resource, AIChE 2023 Annual Meeting, November 5-10, 2023. Orlando (FL), United States.
Ribeiro Domingos, M., Florez-Orrego, D., Dardor, D., Marechal F., Sustainable Methanol Production Using a Multi-Time Energy Integration and CO2 Management Approach As an Energy Carrier for Synthetic Natural Gas Synthesis, AIChE 2023 Annual Meeting, November 5-10, 2023. Orlando (FL), United States.
Ribeiro Domingos, M., Florez-Orrego, D., Sfeir, S., Maréchal, F., Integration of biodigestion, gasification, renewable energy, reversible solid oxide cell and CO2 management strategies for sustainable natural gas production. 38th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems - ECOS 2024, 30 June - 5 July, 2024, Rhodes, Greece
Corre, S., Ribeiro Domingos, M., Florez-Orrego, D., Amoedo, R., Dimitrova, Z., Maréchal, F., On exergetic efficiency and reference environment of the analysis of cement production with and without CO2 carbonatation, 38th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems - ECOS 2024, 30 June - 5 July, 2024, Rhodes, Greece
Florez-Orrego D., Dardor D., Ribeiro Domingos M., Germanier R., Maréchal F. Renewable energy integration and waste heat valorization in aluminum remelting mills for the co-production of kerosene and methanol. 34rd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering – ESCAPE 34 and International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering – PSE 24, June 2 to June 6, 2024. Florence, Italy.
Dardor, D., Florez-Orrego, D., Ribeiro Domingos, M., Germanier, R., Margni, M., Maréchal, F., CO2 Capture and Management Strategies for Decarbonizing Secondary Aluminium Production, 34rd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering – ESCAPE 34 and International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering – PSE 24, June 2 to June 6, 2024. Florence, Italy
Ribeiro Domingos Meire, Florez-Orrego Daniel, Dardor Dareen, Maréchal François, Enhanced Sustainable Natural Gas Production Using Biomass Biodigestion and Gasification Integrated with Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell, 34rd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering – ESCAPE 34 and International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering – PSE 24, June 2 to June 6, 2024. Florence, Italy
Florez-Orrego, D., Dardor D., Ribeiro-Domingos, M., Cortvriendt, L., Platteau C., Maréchal, F., A web-based decision support tool for the design and integration of industrial high-temperature heat pumps. 30th Symposium of the research program on heat pumps and refrigeration technologies of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy BFE-WP Tagung, Bern, Switzerland, June 26, 2024.
Florez-Orrego, D., Dardor D., Ribeiro-Domingos, M., Germanier, R., Marechal, F., Integration of renewable energy and reversible solid oxide cells towards decarbonizing the secondary aluminium production and urban systems. 2024 AIChE Annual Meeting - American Institute of Chemical Engineering, October 27th – 31st, 2024, San Diego, CA, USA.
Ribeiro-Domingos, M., Florez-Orrego, D., Maréchal, F., Systematic analysis on the energy transition pathways for sustainable natural gas production. 2024 AIChE Annual Meeting - American Institute of Chemical Engineering, October 27th – 31st, 2024, San Diego, CA, USA.
White papers
- Daniel Florez-Orrego, Dareen Dardor, Meire Ribeiro Domingos, Ana Catarina Braz, Soline Corre, François Maréchal, Jean-Marie Fuerbringer, Samuel Meyer, Antoine Astour, Jakob Gahn, Tsingos Vassilis, Joseph Loustau, Cyrille Platteau, Joao da Silva (2024) Continuous training program: process engineering for decarbonization of the Swiss industry. IPESE group - EPFL. Suisse Énergie, Final Report April 2024. Swiss Federal Office of Energy.