Contribution of IPESE to the ESCAPE 34 conference
16 Researchers for the IPESE research group have been presenting their work to the joint Symposium combining the 34th European Symposium on Computer -Aided Process Engineering and the 15th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering (PSE) held in Florence, Italy from June, 2nd to 6, 2024.
The contributions can be downloaded from the book of abstract of the conference.
The contributions of IPESE cover a large range of applications of computer aided process and system engineering methods applied in different domains of the energy transition.
Industrial process decarbonisation
Together with colleagues Daniel Florez Orrego has received the best poster award (out of 400 !) for his contribution on page 193 :
Renewable Energy Integration and Waste Heat Valorization in Aluminum Remelting Mills for the Co-Production of Kerosene and Methanol by Daniel Florez-Orrego, Dareen Dardor, Meire Ribeiro Domingos, Reginald Germanier, François Marechal
Other contributions presented as posters or oral are :
(Oral on page 257) CO2 Capture and Management Strategies for Decarbonizing Secondary Aluminium Production Dareen Dardora, Daniel Flórez-Orrego, Meire Ribeiro Domingos, Reginald Germanier, Manuele Margni, François Maréchal
(Oral on page 36) Enhanced Sustainable Natural Gas Production using Biomass Biodigestion and Gasification Integrated with Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell Meire Ribeiro Domingos, Daniel Flórez-Orrego, Dareen Dardor, François Maréchal
(Poster on page 130) Transparent Design Platform for Flexible Integration and Operation of Waste-to-X Systems Julie Dutoit, Jaroslav Hemrle, Manuela Goulart Maia, François Maréchal
(Poster on page 237) A Method of Generating Transition Pathways to a Future Refinery Yi Zhao, Pullah Bhatnagar, Hayato Hagi, Bruno Delahaye, François Maréchal
(oral in CACE ) Systematic Analysis of Energy Transition Pathways for Emission Reduction in the Flat Glass Industry Using MILP Formulation Muhammad Salman, Daniel Flórez-Orrego, Juan Correa-Laguna, François Maréchal, Grégoire Léonard
(Poster in CACE) Absolute Sustainability Assessment of Novel Biobased Chemicals and Materials Marie J. Jones, Lorenz P. Manker, Zezhong John Li, Anastasiia O. Komarova, Jeremy S. Luterbacher, François Maréchal
(Poster in CACE) Evaluating Potential Replacements for Fossil-based PET in Creating a Circular Bio-economy of Packaging Plastics Jana Lukic, Marie J. Jones, Antoine Astour, François Maréchal
PV panels and energy conversion
(Oral on Page 348) The Predictive Power of NLP Models on Perovskite Solar Cells: Bertforpsc Naveen Bhati, Mohammad Khaja Nazeeruddin, François Maréchal
(Oral) Refining SOFC Performance: Parameter Estimation and Model Validation for Dynamic Energy System Optimization Arthur Waeber, Xinyi Wei, Shivom Sharma, Jan Van Herle, Francois Marechal
(Oral) Integrated Solid Oxide Systems: Advancing Efficiency in Power Generation through Fuel Cell-Electrolyzer Coupling with Diverse Fuels Xinyi Wei, Shivom Sharma, Arthur Waeber, Jan Van Herle, Francois Marechal
(poster) Optimal operation of multi-alkaline electrolyzers in green ammonia production systems considering partial-load efficiencies Bingqian Liu, Catarina G. Braz, François Maréchal
Urban systems
(Oral Page 263) Decomposition Method to Evaluate District Heating/Cooling Network Potential at Urban Scale Catarina G. Braz, Raphaël Briguet, Luc Girardin, Bingqian Liu, François Maréchal
(Poster Page 291) Impact of Industrial Waste Heat Recovery on Heat and Electricity Marginal Costs in an Energy Community Cédric Terrier, Dorsan Lepour, François Maréchal
(Oral on page 414) Renewable Energy Hub Optimizer (reho) - a Comprehensive Decision Support Tool for Sustainable Energy System Planning Dorsan Lepour, Cedric Terrier, Joseph Loustau, François Maréchal
This paper presents REHO our open-source software for building stock renewable energy integration.
- (Poster) A novel hydrogen-based desalination system for a self-sustaining community Du Wen, François Maréchal
Energy systems and mineralisation
(Poster, page 449) Smoothing the Chaos: Addressing Chaotic Behavior in Energy System Models through MILP Stabilization Jonas Schnidrig, François Maréchal, Manuele Margni
(Oral on page 430) Methodology for Qualitative Analysis of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Removal Through Mineralization Technologies Soline Corre, Zlatina Dimitrova, Fabien Harambat, Assaad Zoughaib