R --version
This Post explains how to use the blog. You can find a detailed version including how to create a blog post under the IT Tutorials menu
Welcome to the new blog of IPESE! This blog has been created to share knowledge and research. This blog uses Quarto, an open-source scientific and technical publishing system.
For creating posts and serve the blog locally you need to:
Make sure you have R installed
- if not, install it with:
brew install R
Make sure you have quarto installed
quarto --v
- if not, install it via the quarto website
Install markdown packages for R
RScript -e "install.packages( c('rmarkdown','reticulate'))"
- terra package is installed automatically but is sometimes tricky to install, you can try with:
RScript -e "install.packages('terra')"
- if there is an error you can try the following commands in order:
brew install pkg-config && brew install gdal
RScript -e "install.packages(c("raster", "Rcpp"))"
RScript -e "remotes::install_github("rspatial/terra")"
Make sure your R can find your python installation
RScript -e "library(reticulate); reticulate::py_config()"
- You can easily correct this with:
-e "library(reticulate); reticulate::install_python()" RScript
install the python package bs4 that is used in a post-render script
python -m pip install bs4
Serving blog
As soon as everything is installed you can go to the blog repository:
cd ipese-blog
and serve the website with:
quarto preview