
This Post explains how to use the blog. You can find a detailed version including how to create a blog post under the IT Tutorials menu

João Silva


June 21, 2022

Welcome to the new blog of IPESE! This blog has been created to share knowledge and research. This blog uses Quarto, an open-source scientific and technical publishing system.


For creating posts and serve the blog locally you need to:

Make sure you have R installed

    R --version
  • if not, install it with:
    brew install R

Make sure you have quarto installed

    quarto --v
  • if not, install it via the quarto website

Install markdown packages for R

    RScript -e "install.packages( c('rmarkdown','reticulate'))"
  • terra package is installed automatically but is sometimes tricky to install, you can try with:
    RScript -e "install.packages('terra')"
  • if there is an error you can try the following commands in order:
    brew install pkg-config && brew install gdal
    RScript -e "install.packages(c("raster", "Rcpp"))"
    RScript -e "remotes::install_github("rspatial/terra")"

Make sure your R can find your python installation

    RScript -e "library(reticulate); reticulate::py_config()"
  • You can easily correct this with:
    RScript -e "library(reticulate); reticulate::install_python()"

install the python package bs4 that is used in a post-render script

    python -m pip install bs4

Serving blog

As soon as everything is installed you can go to the blog repository:

    cd ipese-blog

and serve the website with:

    quarto preview